YOUNGSTERS in Teignmouth have been reported to be causing problems with a range of anti-social behaviour from criminal damage to violence.

Police say large groups of young people, over the last few weeks, have been gathering around the town and their behaviour has been ‘causing concern’.

It an open letter to parents, police say there have been incidents including drinking alcohol, use of nitrous oxide, using public transport with paying, criminal damage and violence. 

Over the last few weeks, the groups have been seen around the town and causing trouble for both residents and businesses.

The letter from South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership has been jointly signed by the Teignmouth police neighbourhood team and Teignbridge Council. 

It says: ‘All of these incidents have an impact on residents, businesses, services, thew community and other children.

‘It is important we work together to address these concerns promptly and effectively.’

Local officers in Teignmouth, who have shared the letter more widely, said: ‘With the summer holidays here it is a timely reminder to highlight the dangers and risks around some of the behaviours we have seen. 

‘Having positive conversations around these topics with your children and young people you care for is an important part of reducing ASB, preventing harm and ensuring our towns and communities remain a safe place for everyone.’