SCOUTS and community groups are set to benefit from a cash injection for major improvements to Highweek Scout Hut.

Teignbridge councillors are being recommended to approve funding to upgrade the facilities and make them available to the public for hire.

Contributions from housing developers totalling £175,000 are available for the improvement project which would create a building for community use. 

Highweek Scouts are to manage the project and will be ploughing £15,000 of their existing funds into the scheme. 

Initial quotes for the work are between £150,000 and £178,000. 

Planned work includes an extension to the existing building, installation of a new larger kitchen, new accessible toilets and showers, a separate meeting room, insulation and energy efficiency improvements and car park resurfacing. 

Teignbridge Council officers are recommending executive committee members approve spending £175,000 as a grant to Highweek Scouts from the developer contributions to fund the project. 

The money has been secured through the Whitehill development to support improved facilities in the Highweek area and totals £203,000. 

The scout hall project was identified for funding through discussions with community organisations and council ward members.

A report to executive members says: ‘The project is considered to be the best existing option for delivering improved community facilities within the Highweek area. 

‘The project will improve local community access to a newly refurbished community building with modern facilities and meeting places within Highweek,’

Once complete, the building will be used by the scouts  and available to other groups as affordable space to hire. 

Teignbridge Council’s executive committee meets on June 6.