WIDECOMBE Playgroup was started in 1973 and is still going strong and has just celebrated its 50th birthday.

Rose Underhill, the present chair, provided this picture of the celebration and said: ‘We had a lovely bring and share tea on Saturday afternoon and it was very well attended by past and present pupils, Mrs Casey who set it going and ran it for many years came along with many families who have been both pupils and parents here.

‘We have always had fantastic local support and strong links with the primary school and community.

‘It has evolved over the years changing from playgroup to preschool and as with all small settings we have had fluctuations in numbers but we are still going strong.

‘We have sessions on Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Fridays at the church house ( hall ) using our fantastic outdoor classroom as often as possible on a Wednesday .

‘I would like to thank all the staff, past and present and recognise that there has always been fantastic work behind the preschool by the volunteers on the committee.

‘It was a great celebration.’