DIANA?TINGLEY, Cridford Inn (Trusham Community) Supporters Group; JIM?PUTZ, chairman Trusham Parish Meeting; and Daniel Metcalfe, churchwarden, Trusham Parochial Church Council, write:

We write in response to Mrs Davis’ letter about the Cridford Inn, Trusham, published in the Mid-Devon Advertiser on October 30.

Since the Cridford Inn first came under threat of development in November 2014, Trusham residents have striven to save it. We wish Mr and Mrs Nixon success with their new and preferred business venture in Chudleigh but, at the same time, don’t want to lose our local.

It is widely recognised that well-run village pubs play an important role in strengthening and supporting the social and community fabric of rural life, while also providing much-needed local employment and commercial services including food, drink and tourist accommodation.

The most recent planning application for change of use to residential accommodation was refused by a unanimous vote of 20 Teignbridge councillors. The reasons given for refusal were that Trusham should not lose its only commercial facility and that the owners had failed to demonstrate that the pub could not be successful again in the future.

The letter from Mrs Davis states that the Nixon family has been in receipt of ‘hate’ mail. We have no knowledge of this, other than Mrs Nixon’s own account to a villager that it relates to a single ‘anonymous’ Facebook post. If true, we would urge that it is reported to the police so that it can be dealt with through more appropriate channels.

We have always sought to run a low-profile, but effective, campaign to save our pub and as part of this have opted not to go public up until now, cancelling a press campaign prior to the recent planning committee meeting out of respect to the personal cirumstances of one of the owners.

However, following the Mid-Devon Advertiser’s decision to print Mrs Davis’ letter, we feel obliged to voice our concerns.

We very much hope that both the Trusham community and the Nixon family can now move forward in a constructive and positive way and look towards the future.