IPPLEPEN'S 28 Cub Scouts have just two short months to find a new leader – or face the end of an existence which has stretched back more than 90 years.

The crisis has come about because the current Akela, Mike Brewer, is having to quit at the end of July because of work and family commitments.

'I told my helpers in January and the newsletters have gone out, but nobody has come forward,' said Mr Brewer, of Crokers Way in the village.

'Some of the parents are quite concerned because the boys are upset. I think some of them believe that when push comes to shove good old Mike won't leave.'

But he is adamant that although he will miss the Cubs – 'I get as much out of it as the boys do' – his commitments, including the needs of his two children, mean he cannot stay on.

'It will be good to have new people to carry it on,' he maintains.

He has been connected with the Cubs for seven years – and has been leader for most of the last four years.

'You're giving something back and obviously it's a lot of fun, seeing boys learn something they wouldn't normally do at school or at home.'

The Cubs are part of the Ipplepen Scout group which is the largest in Teignbridge.

They have three helpers – 'a Godsend,' Mr Brewer said – for their Wednesday evening meetings, but while they are happy to continue helping they don't want to take on the uniformed – and warranted – leadership.

The person needed doesn't have to be male, and doesn't even have to live in the village, so long as they can make it to the Scout hut on Wednesday evenings. The post has no age restrictions either.

'It wouldn't be true to say that it only takes two hours a week of your time, but I felt that if I was going to do it I was never going to do it half-heartedly,' Mr Brewer said.

If you feel you can help him – and save the Cubs – Mr Brewer can be contacted on 01803 813924.3