Motorists travelling to and from the Devon County Show this week or using the A3052 in East Devon are being warned to expect very long delays as the clear-up continues following recent flooding.

The Devon County Show takes place at Westpoint Arena from Thursday this week  - and the A3052 is usually busy during this time.

A county council spokesperson warned: 'However, motorists can expect particularly long delays following the torrential downpours experienced last Tuesday.

'Many East Devon communities were badly affected by flooding, and ongoing problems in Newton Poppleford will contribute to delays.

'Multiple teams from our contractor Milestone as well as sub-contractors are continuing the clean-up in the area.

'They are using tractors, road sweepers, diggers and lorries to deal with issues such as silt, mud and debris.

'To allow this to happen temporary traffic lights are in place on two sections of the A3052 at either end of Newton Poppleford.

'These are on Four Elms Hill, due to a collapse of the road, and on Exeter Road, Newton Poppleford, due to edge subsidence and a dangerous private wall.

'During busier periods the traffic lights in Newton Poppleford will be manually controlled, while the signals at the Sandygate Roundabout will be monitored from Devon County Council’s Control Centre and controlled as in previous years.'

Councillor Stuart Hughes, Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said: 'We have deployed extensive resources to deal with the after effects of the flooding and our teams are working as hard as they can to ensure that the roads are safe.

'Unfortunately this work will not be completed next week and drivers using the A3052 from Newton Poppleford, to the Clyst St Mary Roundabout and onto the Sandygate Roundabout can expect long delays.

'I want to thank the teams on the ground and all those supporting and co-ordinating the with clean-up effort in particularly challenging conditions and circumstances.'