A CHOICE live theatre for all ages is on offer at Dartington Hall this month.

A production of I Wish I Was A Mountain is arriving at the venue on February 16. It is a bold reimagining of classic Herman Hesse fairytale written and performed by former Glastonbury Poetry Slam Champion Toby Thompson.

It is co-produced by The Egg Theatre and Travelling Light Theatre Company.

For a younger audience the Dartington Trust are hosting an I Want My Hat Back Trilogy’ on February 18. Based on the books by Jon Klassen this show questions the ideas of fairness and ownership in an imaginative and funny setting.

Michael Sells, senior producer at Dartington said: ’We are thrilled to be offering an increasing amount of theatre at Dartington, we have a long history of supporting theatre and it feels back in its rightful place. Both these shows offer fantastic family entertainment over half term.’

Ticket details and performance times are on the website https://www.dartington.org