VILLAGERS in Exminster are being encouraged to join a pollinating planting project to support the village’s bee population. 

Exminster Environment Group is behind the initiative and wants to create as many bee ‘hotspots’ to create a Nectar Highway for Bees.

Volunteers from the group want to encourage people to plant pollinating flowers in public spaces and private gardens.

A plant swap has been held as part of the scheme. 

Caroline Shezall, of the Environment Working Party, explained: ‘We have had some great success with all the donated seeds everyone has given us. 

‘Some of our environment volunteers here in Exminster would like to create as many Bee and Insect ‘hot spots’ as possible throughout the village. ‘Their aim is to encourage people to join them in planting pollinating flowers in public spaces and private gardens, thus creating a nectar highway for bees.

‘Hopefully the scheme will encourage people to rehome flower seeds, even perhaps those unwanted flower seeds hiding in a cupboard somewhere, long forgotten.

‘Remember all we ask is that in return for the plant we receive some more bee pollinating seeds or a small donation so we can purchase more seeds for next year.’

The group hopes the scheme will encourage people to ‘rehome’ flower seeds, even unwanted flower seeds hiding in a cupboard which have been forgotten.

The scheme was launched last year at an Environment Fair in the Victory Hall.

Caroline added: ‘We already have collected enough seeds for this season, which is brilliant. 

‘Currently, we are busy planting up the seeds and, fingers crossed, we will start to get some seedlings soon.’