JOIN us as we once again delve back in tie to the 1970s to explore the stories of the day in and around Teignmouth.


The skies wept - but the Water Carnival went on. Tribute was paid on Saturday to the people of Shaldon who, despite rain and various adverse happenings, carried out the complete programme of the Water Carnival. The intermittent rain in the afternoon was more of a nuisance, and allowed the children’s procession and fashion parade to go ahead.

But the skies wept in the evening as the rain increased in intensity, and with a strong wind the temperature dropped, so much so that a snatch of a Christmas carol was played over the loudspeaker. However, the organisers and the competitors in the decorated boats faced the situation with commendable stoicism. The chairman, Mrs Irene Arnott, humorously informed the crowd: ‘We shall carry on, even if there is a tidal wave.’


The festival, on the theme of Flowers around the World, was held from Thursday in the Methodist Church in Somerset Place, in aid of the fund for roof repairs. So large was the crowd waiting outside the church for the opening that the police had to control the traffic.

Each arrangement was in the colours of a flag of a particular country, below which was a miniature one, painted by Miss Mildred Whalley. In the vestibule was the stand ‘Common Market’, with a magnificent display of dahlias and hydrangeas. Next to it was the China arrangement, looking very stately. The central spectacle was especially beautiful, representing England, Wales and Scotland. The Scottish display used huge artichokes to depict outsize thistles, and the Welsh display had seed stems of leeks.


In the coming Honiton sale of fine paintings will be a pair by Teignmouth artist Thomas Luny. They are of sea subjects, and both are signed. They are being offered by a Naval commander.


The survivors of the Oban fire disaster, in which 10 people lost their lives, are to get a complete refund of their tour fares. A total of £3,520 is being paid out to 44 people by the tour operators, Greenslades Tours, of Exeter, in conjunction with their insurers, the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, even though they have no legal liability to do so. Where there was loss of life, the refunds are being paid to the executors.

A cheque for £50 has also gone to the Argyll Division of the Red Cross Society, which did so much to help those in the tragedy. Members of the Red Cross met the travellers returning from the tour at Gretna Green, and at Bristol, to re-dress their injuries.


To tax and to please, no more than to love and be wise, is not given to men. The mind is always prone to believe what it wishes to be true. Teachers are never appreciated until it rains all Saturday.


The driving of a car over the centre white lines in Bitton Park Road at 12.50am drew the attention of the police. Sgt S J Tucker said that the driver’s left arm was around a female passenger, whose head was on the driver’s shoulder. The driver, from Shaldon, was fined £5 for being in such a position that he could not have proper control of the vehicle. In his letter to the Bench pleading guilty he said: ‘It is true to say that my girlfriend was asleep and leaning on me.’


Peter Cushing in The Vampire Lovers; Tony Curtis in The Boston Strangler; Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins; James Coburn in Waterhole; Boris Karloff in Targets.