HITS Foodbank is enjoying a bumper harvest with donations coming in from communities across Teignbridge.

Children from Trinity School held their annual harvest festival in aid of HITS bringing in a huge donation of goods to the charity’s headquarters.

The students then spent the morning helping volunteers mark up the stock and make up food parcels.

A HITS spokesman said: ‘Thank you so much children, you all did an excellent job and should be very proud of yourselves.’

Youngsters at Abbotsbury Primary School also donated produce from their harvest event.

The spokesman said: ‘What a wonderful haul it will certainly go a long way to helping our families in need, thank you all, you are very generous.’

Villagers in Denbury have also been thanked for their efforts to support HITS.

The village has contributed its donations from harvest festival to the charity.

HITS thanked the villagers saying ‘what a fabulous donation and variety of produce, thanks to all of you’.

The charity also received donations from Finlake Riding Centre in Chudleigh.

There was a ‘huge’ donation of produce collected from its annual charity event.