THE sun shone something spectacular on Saturday, June 3, as people gathered to, potentially, make history with the largest hand jive.

Organised by Sheila Austin, and in association with Torbay Hospital Radio, the attempt sought to beat the current record of 753 people, which was achieved by St Oswald’s Hospice in Newcastle upon Tyne in 2013.

And it remains so, for the record was not broken at Newton Abbot RFC.

But that isn’t to say that those involved didn’t give it a good crack of the whip – some 400 or so people participated in Saturday’s attempt.

Alas, history was not made, but the attempt was not in vain, for it showed what could be done.

Is a second attempt on the cards? Only time will tell, but thing is for certain – a fun time was had by all who attended.

For there was food, stalls and a performance by Totnes School of Dance to keep spirits up.