A ‘joyful’ Teignmouth primary school that ‘pupils are proud to attend’ has received ‘Good’ ratings in two recent inspections.

Our Lady and St Patrick’s (OLSP) Roman Catholic Primary School was the subject of a Catholic Schools Inspectorate visit on May 2 and May 3. Then, less than two weeks later, Ofsted conducted an inspection on May 14 and May 15.

Ofsted inspectors praised the school’s ‘caring and nurturing environment’ which it said ‘helps pupils to form positive relationships with adults and each other’. Inspectors recalled how one pupil remarked that ‘everyone is kind at this school’.

Inspectors were also impressed with the high expectations OLSP places on what pupils can achieve and how they should conduct themselves. In particular, inspectors praised the many opportunities pupils have to contribute to the life of the school and take responsibility, such as becoming a ‘play leader’.

The Ofsted observations were echoed by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate, which rated OLSP as ‘Good’ with an ‘Outstanding’ grade for ‘the quality of provision for the Catholic life and mission of the school’.

In the canonical report, the Catholic Schools Inspectors commented that ‘the school is a supportive, joyful community where everyone is valued’. They added that ‘pupils behave well, feel valued, safe and cared for by staff, and show respect for others’.

They also praised the school for its ‘growing and lived sense of community evident in the culture of welcome and the quality of relationships with families, parish and the local community’.

Executive head teacher Cathy Blatchford said ‘we are thrilled that the excellent work of the OLSP team is being recognised and all the effort being put in is paying off’.

She was especially pleased that while the overall judgement of the canonical report was good it recognised that there are outstanding elements, particularly in relation to the personal development programme offered to the children.

There are currently spaces in many year groups at OLSP and Mrs Blatchford would welcome any families that are interested in finding out more about the school to get in touch and arrange a visit via the school office.