KINGSTEIGNTON Mayor Councillor Ron Peart accompanied by Mayoress Mrs June Peart presented a cheque for £255 to KingsCare manager Maggie Bonnell and mental health workers Briony Enright and Maggie Cleverly at the council offices.

Cllr Peart thanked the KingsCare team for all they do to support the residents of Kingsteignton with their mental health services. The demand has escalated in the last few years which has meant the KingsCare charity has had to employ more staff to offer the services required and these funds will support this.

The funds of the Mayor’s chosen charity KingsCare ‘Walking Alongside’ were made up from the collection carried out at the Mayor’s Civic Carol service held at the Community Hall in December 2022, and donations from Lord and Lady Clifford and Mr and Mrs Newton of Newton Antiques, during his term of office which comes to an end in April 2023.

He would like to thank all who attended the service and kindly donated to the charity.