NEW lifts are still out of action at Dawlish railway station.

The long awaited lifts were only open for a few hours before a fault meant they had to shut.

Contractors working on the station, part of the overall multi-million pound scheme to upgrade the station facilities and protect the coastal line, announced the lifts were due to be open to the public for the first time.

But just hours later, a further update informed station users that a problem had been found.

To ensure no one with limited mobility became stuck, it was decided both lifts would close.

The opening took place at about 6am on the same day Storm Babet swept across the region.

Network Rail said work was underway to fix the fault but there has been no further update since.

A spokesman said: ‘We’re working to fix a fault in one of the lifts at Dawlish station.

‘Both lifts are closed for now to make sure no one with limited mobility is stranded on the opposite platform.

‘We’re sorry for any inconvenience.

‘We are in a bedding-in period with the new footbridge and are working to solve the issue as soon as we can.

‘Thank you everyone for your continued patience and support.’

News of the opening, the first time in the station’s history it has had lifts, had delighted residents and rail users but was quickly followed by disappointment.

So far, there has been no explanation of what has caused the failure and it has not been operational since.

Work started on the accessible footbridge and lifts last year in a bid to improve access for passengers with mobility issues, those using pushchairs or carrying heavy luggage.

This was to have been the first time lifts have been installed at the station since it was built in the 1840s.