A NEW look play park will reopen in Newton Abbot today, Friday, from 1pm.

Executive Member for Leisure and Green Spaces, Cllr John Nutley, will mark the reopening of the Ashburton Road playpark.

Children will be able to enjoy the £150,000 revamp of the Figure of 8 Ashburton Road Play Park in Newton Abbot when it reopens.

The refurbished play area now has three distinct zones – a toddlers’ starter bike track for 0 to five-year-olds, a toddler zone for one to five-year-olds, and a junior zone for 6 to12-year-olds. 

A new pump park for wheel sport activities for older children has been installed and improvements have also been made to the ball area. 

The refurbishment has been made possible by money provided by developers under section 106 planning agreements and the work has been carried out by Forte Trailscapes Ltd, Outdoor Play UK, PriestwoodVision and Teignbridge’s grounds maintenance contractors Idverde.

Executive member for Leisure and Green Spaces, Cllr John Nutley, who will formally open the play park on Friday said: ‘I am delighted that we have been able to reopen this play park which has beentransformed in the past few months.

‘I would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard to transform the area and make it such a great place for children to play in.

‘We hope that children will enjoy the new equipment and that everyone will make sure it remains a safe and enjoyable place for people to visit.’