IMPROVEMENT works to a key road in and out of Newton Abbot have been delayed until after the General Election.

The next phase of works to the A382 were due to start in spring, but the project has come to a halt as Devon County Council (DCC) await the final sign off on Government funding.

A Devon County Council spokesperson said: ‘The scheme is ready to be built and a contractor is in place.

‘The project is partially funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) along with local contributions from Devon County Council and Teignbridge District Council.

‘We are awaiting final sign off on the DfT funding but this process will have to continue after the General Election.’

Phase Two of the scheme will see a new road connecting the A382 to the A383 at Houghton Barton - dubbed the ‘Houghton Barton Link’.

Phase Three includes additional carriageways between Forches Cross and the Trago Mills roundabout, inadditon to much else.