ON the eve of nominations closing for the forthcoming elections, two councillors stood down from the Lib Dem party.

Overnight on Monday husband and wife councillors Alison Eden and Andrew MacGregor put out statements as to why they had quit.

But Leader of the Lib Dems, Cllr Alan Connett, said he was ‘not in the least surprised’.

Alison Eden said: ‘I first joined the Liberal Party as a teenager. I thought I could defeat Margaret Thatcher with the power of leaflets! Horrified by the Lib/Con Coalition, I cancelled my membership in 2010.

‘On moving to Teignmouth, however, I rejoined the Liberal Democrat party, fought and won a bye-election in 2016, made some great friends and have represented the people of Teignmouth Central, where I live, ever since.

‘The Liberal Democrats require elected councillors to sign a ‘Group loyalty’ statement where they agree to vote how they are told or not vote at all.

‘In seven years I have never obeyed the party line unless I agreed with it and at times I have argued and voted against the party line. I did not agree for example with the Liberal Democrat Leadership’s choice to appoint a Conservative man to the executive when there were plenty of skilled Conservative women who would have been at least of equal value.

‘I have treated all politicians and situations with the same level of scrutiny regardless of whether they were in my party or outside it. I felt I would not be serving residents honestly if I did not focus attention on the failings as I saw them of the Liberal Democrats as well as their successes.

‘From my perspective, alas, there have been too many failings.

‘While I appreciate that national parties of all kinds expect their councillors to do exactly what they are told, I think local politics should be all about putting the people, not the party, first.

‘So I have now formerly resigned my membership and will serve the residents of Teignmouth Central Ward until May 4 as an Independent with absolutely no political affiliation whatsoever.’

Cllr Andrew MacGregor said: ‘It is with some small regret that I announce my resignation from membership of the Liberal Democrat Party, effective immediately.

‘I have been a member off and on since 2003, most recently rejoining in 2017 when I moved here from the frozen north. It was here I met my wife whom I married in St John’s church in Bishopsteignton.

Bishopsteignton is also where I was fortunate to be elected to represent residents at the District Council in 2019.

‘Following that election in 2019, I was a part of the Liberal Democrat administration and was given the additional role of responsibility for Leisure and recreation. Being part of the Lib Dem administration meant I was required to follow party lines and this sometimes brought conflict with matters of conscience and principle.

‘I did not agree for instance with adding a non-portfolio Exec member who appeared to add little or no value to delivery of services, at a cost of approximately £6,300 per year.

‘I’m often put in mind of a quote by Scots author Iain Banks which goes “In so much of politics you’re not allowed to disagree with what’s been agreed.”

‘I was elected in 2019 to represent residents in my ward without fear or favour and I have always taken the view that people come before party needs.

‘Service delivery is not about vanity or personal promotion, but about ensuring residents get the best support and services possible in an ever tightening economic landscape. I do not believe that can be delivered unless party politics takes a back seat.

‘With that in mind I have decided to relinquish my membership of the Liberal Democrats. For the remainder of this Council tenure, I will continue to support all of the residents in my ward and the wider district as an independent.’

Cllr Connett responded: ‘There is nothing new in what has been written. These are very tired and well worn tracks.

‘I have been expecting them both to resign at around this time due to the council elections and I am not in the least surprised.

‘Of course, Alison Eden ignores once more her own behaviour following a meeting of Teignmouth Town Council which resulted in a Standards complaint being made.

‘Both had long since set up their own small group of two on the council and, to my knowledge, Mr MacGregor had previously left the Liberal Democrats on at least one occasion.

‘If Alison Eden is planning to stand again, the electors may wish to consider her commitment to being a local councillor.

‘According to the website of Teignbridge District Council she has not turned up for 86% of possible meetings – the last she attended was in November last year!’

He indicated the website:
