POLICE are warning youngsters in south Devon to be aware of the dangers of tombstoning.

The repeated warnings are issued by both police and the RNLI in a bid to stop people leaping from cliffs into the sea.

But there have now been reports of tombstoners moving onto buildings and vehicles. 

Police in Torbay are saying despite the ‘inconsistent weather’, they have had reports of young people tombstoning. 

And they say, this has not just been from cliffs and walls but also from buildings and vehicles.

A spokesman said: ‘Tombstoning can have severe and life-threatening consequences.’

If jumping into water, the depths alter with the tide so the water may be shallower than it seems.

Submerged objects like rocks may not be visible and these can cause serious impact injuries.

The shock of cold water can make it difficult to swim.

Getting out of the water is often more difficult than people realise.

Strong currents can rapidly sweep people away.

Officers have also warned that any damage caused to property or other criminal offences during such behaviour could lead to prosecution.