ARTIST Laura Wall is taking part in a series of films for ITV as part of a series of programmes on mindfulness.

Unwind With ITV will be shown nightly over a year, featuring slow shots to help aid relaxation.

Award-wining artist Laura, who has a studio in Northumberland Place, is renowned for her work featuring scenes from Teignmouth and surrounding coastline.

Laura explained: ‘The shots ITV filmed with me were locked off shots observing me painting a picture from start to finish.

‘We chose four locations that I felt would make lovely compositions for paintings.

‘Once I was in situ the cameraman set up his camera which focused on my paper and then I painted what I could see in front of me in pen and watercolour.

‘It was good fun because the scene was constantly changing.

‘In one composition I painted the ferryboat, but because it was continuously moving between Teignmouth and Shaldon I had to return to it each time it docked up.

‘I had to work very quickly, some paintings were completed in 20 minutes and others 45 minutes.

‘The beautiful and natural ambient background sound of the waves and seagulls will also be used so there is a real sense of the viewer being there with me looking over my shoulder as to what I am painting.

All four of Laura’s paintings filmed for the programme were based around Teignmouth.

She said: ‘I was nervous at first, but once I got going I was able to forget about the camera and focus on the art.

‘There will also be some beautiful long shots of Teignmouth too, I am so proud that our town is being featured for this lovely programme.’

Laura was approached by producer Meg Keegan after seeing some of her open air painting she had created while staying in France earlier this year.

She said: ‘Whilst in Provence I would sit in the local market squares or harbours and paint what was in front of me over the course of half and hour or so, it was a new experience for me as I normally work in a studio and some paintings are so detailed they can take up to 150 hours to complete.

‘My husband, Dave, filmed some of the pictures being created in situ which we then put on social media. ‘Rock Oyster Media who produce the show for ITV saw and liked what I was doing and asked if I would like to create some artwork for Unwind With ITV.

‘I paint with pen and watercolour so these plein air compositions built quickly using vibrant and uplifting colours. I am so delighted to be an artist on the programme.’

Laura’s artworks on display at her gallery in Northumberland Place are more detailed, featuring pen and watercolour local scenes.