THREE ewes and a lamb were savaged so badly in an attack by two German Shepherd dogs on a Chudleigh farm this week, they had to be put down by a vet. Farmer Michael Batting, of Home Farm, Ugbrooke, found others injured when he investigated after being alerted by a telephone call at 1.30pm on Monday to say two dogs were chasing the sheep in his field beside the A380. 'I did not take a gun because it was close to a footpath and I thought someone would be with them, but when I got there the two German Shepherds/cross Alsatians were on their own and carried on chasing the sheep,' he said. Mr Batting climbed into his Land Rover and drove through the field to chase them away, but by then the damage was done. 'One ewe was virtually dead and two others were so badly injured they subsequently had to be put down. A lamb was also put down, while some were injured. 'Now the sheep are so scared I cannot get anywhere near them. They were very edgy even though they know me. It will take them up to a fortnight to settle down again,' said Mr Batting. There were 70 ewes in the field and 90 lambs – all the ewes had lambs at foot – and it will be touch and go whether the lambs who have lost their mothers survive. On Wednesday, Mr Batting managed to get hold of one of the injured ewes and its lamb and has taken them indoors so that the ewe can regain full health. Police Sergeant Karen Jones, of Chudleigh police, warned farmers in the area to be on their guard, and reminded dog walkers not to let their pets off the lead when near livestock. She also appealed to anyone who knew the identity of the adult German Shepherds to come forward with information. 'We have had no other incidents of sheep worrying or reports of any dogs missing in the area,' said Sgt Jones. Anyone with information is asked to contact Chudleigh police via the central switchboard number 08452 777444, quoting the log number 566 of 22/01/07.