TYPICALLY Sunday is a time for rest, reflection and recuperating ahead of the coming week, but this wasn't so for those involved in the construction of a Dartmoor-based community hall.

Volunteers from Widecombe Community Hall CIO were out in force on Sunday, October 15, clearing and tidying the earmarked site ready for the winter.

A registered charity, Widecombe Community Hall CIO are overseeing the construction of a brand new community hall for Widecombe-in-the-Moor.

'Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who spent Sunday morning tidying the site ready for winter' a spokesman for Widecombe Community Hall CIO Ssaid.

'Tom (on the digger with the very handy flail / mulcher), Kate (strimming), Maddy and James.

'Also Chris M on the strimmer, Yvette and Chris E on strimmer and hedgecutter, Luke on hedgecutter, Lloyd moving things with the telehandler, Alan setting up a new compound, Dylan and Ivy on general duties.

'The swale can also be seen here doing it’s job, and the vegetation has grown to keep the sides secure' the spokesman added.