A MAN who had sex with two women after escorting them home from a drunken night out has denied raping them.

Lewis Stewart told a jury that both women were awake, aware and consenting when he joined them in two different threesomes.

He earlier told the police that the women were ‘asking for it’ and ‘knew exactly what they were doing’ after he and his girlfriend went back to one of their homes.

Stewart, aged 28, of St Patrick’s Close, Teignmouth, who is originally from Dawlish, denies raping both women and causing one to take a substance with the intent of enabling.

The prosecution say he took advantage of the women who were complete strangers to him until he met them as they staggered around the centre of Torquay after a night out drinking cocktails and prosecco.

The women say they cannot even remember being taken home in a taxi with Stewart and his girlfriend and no memory of having sex with him. They say they woke up the next day to find two strangers in the flat and only knew they had sex because Stewart told them.

Police found forensic evidence showing he had sex with one of the women. They also recovered a photo from his phone of the other almost totally naked, with her legs open, and apparently asleep.

Stewart said he went to the aid of the women because he and his partner were concerned for their welfare when he saw one of them falling over outside a bar in the centre of Torquay.

He paid £15 for a taxi and he and his partner went with them because the driver insisted on it. He said the drunker woman went straight to bed while the other one stayed up talking and went to buy more alcohol.

Stewart said he returned from a visit to the toilet to find his girlfriend kissing and touching the woman. He said he was shocked but asked for an invitation to join in and both agreed.

He said he had sex with the woman and his girlfriend during a 30 to 45 minute group sex session in which all were willing participants.

He said they ordered a takeaway meal and later in the morning the woman woke her friend and told her she was missing out. The two women then started sex and invited him to join in, leading him to have consensual sex with both.

He said the photo was taken with the woman’s encouragement and agreement and that she was awake. He said he gave her two ecstasy tablets at her request during the gap between the two group sex sessions.

He said: 'It was quite a party. I didn’t have a problem with that.

'They wanted sex and consented. They were both awake.'

The trial continues