CAR owners are being warned to take precautions after a series of break-ins to vehicles on Dartmoor. 

Ashburton and Chudleigh police are appealing to drivers not to leave valuables on display. 

At least four cars were broken into on Friday May 17 and Saturday May 18 and items were stolen.

The reported thefts occurred in several areas of Dartmoor including, Pullerbrook car park near Lustleigh, Hound Tor, Saddle Tor and Widecombe. 

Police say the timings were between noon and 6pm on Friday and between 5pm and 6pm on Saturday. 

A spokesman said: ‘It appears a combination of insecure vehicles, property left on display, and the possibility of someone watching vehicles to see what people do before leaving their vehicles may all be contributing factors.

‘It is really important that valuables are not left in vehicles. 

‘Ideally leave them at home, only carry what is needed for the day out. 

‘Don’t put anything that may be perceived as possibly of valuable in the boot or hatchback.

‘Never leave anything of value on display, thieves will break in for what may have little value but any handbags, ruck sacks or other luggage make a tempting target even if empty.  

‘Have a look around before leaving the vehicle to see if there is any one suspicious in a nearby or loitering. 

‘Parking in an isolated area may seem like a good idea but does leave vehicles more tempting to some thieves. 

'Parking in a busier area does not prevent a car being targeted, but does make it less likely.’