A VIAGRA-FULLED sex attacker has been jailed for trying to rape a guest after a house party near Newton Abbot. 

Graham Ford was found with a packet of the drug in his trouser pocket after the distressed victim called the police and he was intercepted as he tried to walk home.

The 59-year-old started his sexual assault in the kitchen after a party in Netherton. 

He tried to force the victim, who was less than half his age, to have oral sex in the garden. 

Ford had been drinking heavily and he and the victim were the only two guests still there when he assaulted her. 

She left the house immediately and called the police, who found her sobbing in the street nearby. 

Retired financial adviser Ford, 59, of Newton Road, Teignmouth, denied rape at Exeter Crown Court but was found guilty of the lesser charge of attempted rape by the jury at a trial in March. 

He also denied sexually assaulting the woman but was convicted.


He was jailed for four years and eight months by Judge Stephen Climie, who also imposed a restraining order banning contact with the victim.

He told him: ‘You are in your 60th year and until the jury’s verdicts were a man of impeccable character. 

‘The events of that night bring that character into sharp relief. 

‘For whatever reason, almost certainly excessive alcohol, your behaviour changed.

‘She rejected your advances and made it clear she wanted none of it but, not satisfied with that response, you followed her outside.’

During the trial, Miss Mary McCarthy, prosecuting, said the woman went to a friend’s house for a social event at which Ford was also present. 

She had only met him a few times but felt uncomfortable because he had asked about her sex life.

Ford denied exposing himself. He said she had been flirtatious with him and everything that happened was consensual.

Miss Kelly Scrivener, defending, said Ford’s family are standing by him. He has never committed any other offences, before or since.