A large group of hardy souls braved the fog on Dartmoor this morning to celebrate the start of May.

A foggy dawn at Haytor to mark the start of summer
A foggy dawn at Haytor as Morris dancers mark the start of summer (Contributed)

Early risers who headed to Haytor at 4:45am were treated to dancing and music by members of the Grimspound Border Morris, Back Bess Border Morris and Beltane Border Morris.

A festival of fire to mark the start of longer, warmer days.
A festival of fire to mark the start of longer, warmer days. (Contributed)

The traditional May Day event included the Haccombe with Fire dance where the groups performed with sticks of fire to celebrate Beltane.

A member of the Grimspound Border Morris awaits the sunrise.
A member of the Grimspound Border Morris awaits the sunrise. (Contributed)

Beltane, which means bright fire, marks the starting point of summer and celebrates the coming season of light and growth.