DAWLISH councillor Rosie Dawson is to be the next chairman of Teignbridge District Council.

The Lib Dem member, who is also a Dawlish town councillor and former mayor of Dawlish, takes over from outgoing chairman Cllr Chris Clarance.

Council leader Martin Wrigley, who also represents Dawlish NE ward for the Lib Dems, joked: ‘She’s good at controlling a rowdy crowd.’

Retiring chairman Cllr Clarance (Independent, Shaldon and Stokeinteignhead) declined a nomination to stand again.

Cllr Jane Taylor (SD Alliance, Kerswell-with-Coombe) was nominated by SD Alliance leader Richard Daws (Ambrook), who said that as a former police chief inspector 'she can handle a rabble very well’.

Cllr Dawson was voted in by a majority.

She said: 'Our main purpose is to look after the people of Teignbridge, and I will do my very best over the coming year.’

The deputy chairman for the next year will be Cllr Suzanne Sanders (Lib Dem, Chudleigh).