DARTMOOR National Park Authority is asking dog walkers to stay alert and cautious of their dog's actions, as they begin to share the moor with a variety of rare ground-nesting birds.

As the name would suggest, ground-nesting birds make their home on the floor. They can be hugely affected by human activity. The open moorland up on Dartmoor can provide a perfect breeding area for ground-nesting birds, but if they get disturbed they can abandon their nests or young.

A spokesperson for Dartmoor National Park. Authority said: 'It may seem an odd place to build a nest, but moorland grass and gorse make the perfect hideout for birds to raise their chicks Many of Dartmoor’s iconic residents are ground-nesters, including skylarks, stonechats and meadow pippits.

'If you and your four-legged friend are heading up to the Moor please remember to Love Moor Life and keep your dog on the lead this time of year.

'Nesting birds are super twitchy this time of year and can abandon their eggs #LoveMoorLife this spring and #GiveNatureSpace'