Liberal Democrat Jack Major has been elected as the new Teignbridge District Councillor for Ashburton and Buckfastleigh.

Jack Anthony Major received 715 votes in yesterday’s (May 2nd) by-election.

The by-election was called following the death of Councillor Huw Cox in January. Cox was Buckfastleigh’s mayor at the time of his death.

Teignbridge council leader Martin Wrigley welcomed Jack’s win in the by-election. Martin said ‘It’s great to see Jack win with a 192 majority and an increased vote share and I know that Jack will be a great councillor for the area. Huw would have been delighted to see Jack join the council.’

Jack’s win brings the Liberal Democrat group back up to 26 out of 47 councillors at Teignbridge, the Conservative vote share dropped by nearly 16%, the Green Party dropped by 12.5% and the South Devon Alliance vote share dropped by nearly 6%.

Seven candidates stood in the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh by-election.