WITH the clocks going back this Sunday, October 29, Devon County Council (DCC) are reminding all road users to help play their part in keeping each other safe.

Everyone using Devon’s roads is being urged to take extra care this autumn and winter.

Motorists are asked to look out for more vulnerable road users as daylight hours are reduced and to give them plenty of time and space.

Cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and horse riders are all encouraged to ‘be bright, be seen’, by wearing reflective and fluorescent clothing to ensure they can be seen clearly.

Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said: ‘We all need to take extra care over the autumn and winter months to ensure that everyone can travel safely on Devon’s roads. With less daylight and greater chances of poor weather, conditions are more hazardous at this time of year.

‘Pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and equestrians can make themselves more visible to passing vehicles by wearing bright, fluorescent and reflective clothing. Motorists can help by reducing their speed and giving extra space when overtaking others. Ensuring you can be seen and being considerate of others can help improve safety for us all.’

Everyone is reminded of the following advice:

• Pedestrians should use marked crossing points where possible. Although they may have right of way over traffic on a zebra or light controlled crossing they are still responsible for ensuring that they don’t step out onto the crossing until vehicles have stopped for them;

• Cyclists must use a white front light, a red back light and a red reflector at the back;

• Horse riders are advised to select crossing points very carefully and are asked to show courtesy to drivers who have slowed down for them;

• Motorists should overtake only when it is safe to do so, and drivers should pass slowly and allow plenty of room when overtaking;

• All road users should look out for each other and take care, particularly in wet or icy conditions or if there are leaves on the road.

► More information about travelling on Devon’s roads this winter can be found on our winter webpages and on the Travel Devon website.