POLICE have been left with a ‘Cinderella’ style mystery to solve – matching this Nike trainer with a man they were chasing.

Posting on their Facebook page Newton Abbot police say: ‘Today we may have met our very own Cinderella!

‘Neighbourhood officers had a foot chase with a male (who we have called Cinderella).

‘During this pursuit he lost one of his beloved Nike Air Force ones!

‘He also chucked a bag of suspicious items over a garden wall.

‘We will be visiting Cinderella very soon to check that the shoe fits.

‘We did manage to catch up with one of Cinderella’s associates who wasarrested for drug supply offences and inquiries are ongoing.’

If you can help solve the mystery call them on 101.

One reader posted: ‘I wanna meet who ever does Newton Abbot police social media – always gives me a good giggle.’