DO you know someone who has gone above and beyond to help other people in Teignmouth?

If so you should nominate them for a community award but you’ll need to hurry.

Teignmouth’s Town Mayor, Cllr Iain Palmer, and his wife, Jackie, have called on residents to nominate people who have gone above and beyond what is normally expected to receive a Mayor’s Recognition Award.

All nominations must be in by 1.30pm on March 7 so time is short.

The entry categories are:

► COMMUNITY AWARD – perhaps you know someone who works tirelessly as a volunteer.

► YOUNG PERSON’S AWARD – for example, a school pupil who has achieved excellence in a community project local or around the world or shown dramatic improvement in their school work.

► GROUP AWARD – for example, a team of people who carry out litter picking or similar community project and put themselves out for their community in some way.

The nominee must live in, work in or have strong links with Teignmouth.

The entry form can be downloaded from the Teignmouth Town Council website at

Nominations should either be emailed to [email protected] and marked Mayor’s Recognition Awards or posted to Teignmouth Town Council, Bitton House, Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth, TQ14 9DF, marked Mayor’s Recognition Awards – to arrive no later than 1.30pm on March 7.

The Awards Ceremony, to which the winners will be invited, will be held at Bitton House on Saturday, March 11, 5.30pm for 6pm.