A MAJOR scheme to build more than 100 homes on a farm complex in Bradley Barton, Newton Abbot, has stalled.

Developers are hoping to turn unspoilt green fields at Bradley Barton Farm, opposite the primary school, into a housing development of 109 properties.

Town planners scrutinised Persimmon Homes’ Ogwell Mill Road proposal on Tuesday but delayed any decision-making until they had more information.

District and town councillor Mike Hocking urged the council to defer the plans until its next meeting so he could find out more information from Teignbridge.

He said the district authority is still in talks with the developers because officers are unhappy with parts of the proposals.

Persimmon Homes’ scheme also includes a new vehicular access off Ogwell Mill Road and landscaping.

Cllr Hocking had issues over the proposals because he felt Ogwell Mill Road was already congested with parents dropping off and picking up their children from school.

One suggestion being proposed to ease the issue could be to use an existing access road in Emblett Drive.

Nearby residents also have concerns over the traffic situation and school staff parking on the street all day.

Cllr Hocking, who represents the area, also told the committee that the local bus struggled to get around the area.

Other concerns flagged up included the lack of green space and no mention of affordable properties.

The application was deferred for three weeks will be go back to the committee at its next meeting.