PREPARATIONS for the joint scheme by Teignbridge District Council (TDC) and Devon County Council (DCC) to enhance Queen Street in Newton Abbot has got underway.

A Liaison Officer is visiting businesses in the street from this week to discuss the work and any concerns; and put plans in place to support them throughout the duration of the scheme.

The scheme, which proved controversial from the outset, includes a major resurfacing programme for the roads and pavements to replace tired and damaged surfaces, and widen the pavements to create more space for shoppers.

It also involves changes to traffic flow and a reduction of the number of on-street parking spaces.

Artist impression of Queen Street, Newton Abbot
Artist impression of Queen Street, Newton Abbot (-)

Newton Abbot Town Council has called for the plans to be abandoned.

The Queen Street Traders and Residents Association (QSTAR), who are also calling for the scheme to be abandoned, have instructed Midlands-based lawyers, Lodders, to fight their case.

Construction is expected to start later this month and be completed by November.

It will progress in seven phases, starting at Queen Street’s western end and finishing at its eastern end.

But what can be expected throughout?

► During the day, pedestrians will always be able to access Queen Street.

► Visitors will be able to walk along Queen Street as usual to visit shops and businesses.

► Occasionally pavements will be closed in the evening for safety reasons, but clear signs will help everyone navigate the area.

► Devon County Council is working with bus operators to minimise disruption to local bus services.

► Queen Street will stay open for visiting vehicles, just as it is now, during most of the construction phases.

► TDC are working with DCC to keep as much parking as possible available throughout the work.

► TDC are offering discounted parking on the top two levels of the Sherborne Road Multi-Story Car Park

► Blue badge holders can still park on Queen Street and use the blue badge holder bays on Victoria Place and nearby car parks.

► Signage at The Avenue junction and other gateway areas will promote Queen Street as open for business, and scheme information boards will provide visitors and residents with further details about the ongoing works.