REPAIRS at a Teignbridge train station are to continue through October, November and into December.

Network Rail will be continuing its works at Newton Abbot Railway Station to complete the replacement of the existing life expired gutters and decoration of the canopy edge beam.

'We will be working midweek nights and Saturday nights from now until December 1 between the hours of 11pm and 6am when trains aren’t operating, so our teams can work safely, but please be aware these dates may change' a spokesman said.

'We know we’re working near to your home and will try to minimise this as much as possible, but we are sorry if we do disturb you.

'Thank you for your patience while we carry out this important work' the spokesman added.

► For those with questions, there are several ways to contact Network Rail: whether it be by calling its 24-hour National Helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or by visiting the website.