Volunteers from Teignmouth Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) marked the charity’s 200th anniversary on Thursday by signing a ‘One Crew’ pledge.

The promise to ‘save everyone we can, without judgement’ is written on the RNLI’s bicentenary “Connecting our Communities Scroll’.

The historic document is currently on a six month relay visiting all the RNLI regions.

Five Teignmouth RNLI volunteers were picked to sign the scroll following a draw. They were: Lord Clifford, LMG Patron; Matt Slader, shore crew; Alan Harwood, water safety officer; Adrian Knowles, fundraising volunteer; and Brian Arnett, lifeboat visits team.

The scroll reads: ‘Whoever we are, wherever we are from, we are one crew, ready to save lives. We’re powered by passion, talent and kindness, like generations of selfless lifesavers before us. This is our watch , we lead the way, valuing each other, trusting each other, depending on one another, volunteering to face the storm together. Knowing that, with courage, nothing is impossible. That is what has always driven us to save everyone we can. It’s what makes every one of us a lifesaver. Signed in 2024 by representatives of the RNLI’s lifesaving communities, on behalf of all who strive to save everyone.”

Teignmouth RNLI is the 32nd station to sign the scroll. The Connecting our Communities relay began at a service of thanksgiving at Westminster Cathedral on March 4, 2024 - the actual date of the RNLI’s 200th anniversary - and will conclude in October when it reaches Douglas in the Isle of Man, the former home of RNLI founder Sir William Hillary.