ST James Church, Teignmouth (pictured left), is live streaming the coronation service - all are welcome to the parish church of West Teignmouth from 10.30am on Saturday, May 6.

Local author and historian Viv Wilson writes: ‘In the hour leading up to the coronation ceremony, a team of 16 bell ringers will be equally distributed between St James and St Michael’s to ring out the bells across Teignmouth. 

‘The project Ring for the King has enabled this magnificent commitment under Roger Treweek,  Tower Captain of the Teignmouth Band of Ringers. 

‘Following recommendations from the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers,  the historic input of the Coronation Peal, composed especially for Queen Elizabeth II’s ceremony in June 1953 will be included. 

‘It lasts about 10 minutes and they hope to ring it a few times during the hour starting at 9.30am. 

‘The good people of Teignmouth are in for a right royal treat of bell ringing!’