MAKE sure you vote on Thursday, in the local elections.

Who will get your vote in the College Ward of Teignbridge Council, where two candidates will be your next councillors?

Here's some information on each of the candidates:


I have lived in Newton Abbot all my life. I became involved with NewtonSaysNo in 2018, as I could not believe that anyone would want to concrete over the beautiful rolling hills of Wolborough. 

I thought they must be mad... and I still do! 

Previously I had founded Torquay, Exeter and Newton Abbot Stagecoach, which has helped countless young people express themselves through singing, acting and dancing. 

As district councillor for College, I have tirelessly lobbied against NA3, campaigned successfully to reverse the Lib Dem plan to demolish the interior of the Alexandra Theatre and on behalf of the retailers of Queen Street. In 2021 I became the first Independent Councillor to represent Newton Abbot South at Devon County Council.


I AM passionately critical of the difficulties this government has left local people facing. 

The over stretched, underpaid NHS; the economic system failure, leaving us with overpriced  food and fuel: the services which are no longer fit for purpose. 

I’ve lived in Newton for many years, and understand how it has changed, but I want to see it grow, rather than shrink, and will work to support local enterprises and people, in building a better Newton Abbot, with a vibrant centre, and better public facilities. 

I will listen to people’s issues and work with them and other agencies to find solutions.


MY family and I have lived in College ward for many years.

I want to see our area and town become cleaner, with more support for young people.

As a teacher, I see the need for more investment in our children and also believe that we can do more to meet the climate and environmental challenges we face.

Our Council tax bills are high and I would like to see our taxes being used more efficiently to benefit local people.

I support our plans to provide help for families currently renting to acquire their own homes.

To help me deliver these things I ask for your support on May 4th.


An ex-gravedigger, dustman, comedian and (for 15 years) journalist on the Times newspaper, LIAM MULLONE set up the Newton Says No website in 2018 to poke satirical fun at the then-Conservative council. 

He formed the Newton Says No Group that was elected to council the following year. 

He says: ‘We expected big improvements in transparency, planning, the environment and in tackling the council’s culture of stamping down on opinions it dislikes. 

‘Sadly, all these things became worse under the Lib Dems and the culture at TDC is now poisonous. I want to see an open government that puts our environment first, where all opinions are welcome and where unelected officers don’t run our district like oligarchs.’


AS a long term resident of College ward I want to see the District Council deliver efficient and effective services .

I also want to ensure that any developments that take place in Newton Abbot respect our local environment and protect our local heritage.

I believe in local democracy and will respect the opinions of our residents to ensure that we have the investments in infrastruicture and amenities that are promised by developers.

I will also work to make sure that developments are delivered that meet local needs for appropriate homes, open spaces and protect local ecology.

To enable me to deliver these promises I ask for your support on May 4th.

John Phillips


DEVON born and bred, I have lived in Newton Abbot since 2003, I’ve started my business here, and raised my children here. I work as a Tree Consultant mainly in Devon and know the County well. 

I think it is essential that the electorate have a Green option, so that people have the option to prioritise the environment up the political agenda. 

I am so used to the main parties saying the right things but then consistently failing to take action so a vote for a Green party candidate may make the other parties start to take the climate crisis more seriously! 

My main areas of concern are, of course, firstly the environment. We also need actual affordable housing and a safe, useful, and affordable transport network.