MAKE sure you vote on Thursday, in the local elections.

Who will get your vote in the Teignmouth East Ward of Teignbridge Council, where two candidates will be your next councillors?

Here's some information on each of the candidates:


AS your Labour Candidate here, I want to learn about and progress your concerns. 

Little is more important to me than our community having equality of opportunity, healthy lives and homes and dignity at work.

I live and work locally as a tutor, and also as a restaurant manager. 

I get to know and chat with people of all ages.

I love this area but I see it’s issues too, especially those that affect younger people, having lived here all my life. 

I volunteer at the Teignmouth Community Larder, and at TeignAid, a charity which supports those with housing or benefit issues. 

I want to be part of the improvements we need here, especially those which will help local people gain fair access to services and jobs


I came to live in Teignmouth in 1985. I was lucky enough to find my way to the river beach and fishing community. 

I found a sense of community and belonging that was very special. 

I was involved in the reopening of the RNLI lifeboat station and in January 1993, I took part in my first training exercise as a member of the crew. 

I also helped to found the now, very successful River Teign Rowing Club. 

Both of these achievements I consider to be a thank-you to the community that I love. 

I am currently serving as a Harbour Commissioner and hope very much that I will have the honour of serving you all on the district council.


HAVING retired from the NHS and education I have been increasingly saddened by what we’re leaving for our future generations. 

I was a founder member of the Walled Garden in Mules Park and have continued  my knowledge on sustainable agriculture. Currently I’m a Wildlife Warden for Action Climate Teignbridge.

If elected, my priority would be seeking radical solutions to our housing challenges, and improving our local bus infrastructure. 

I am also in favour of greening up our town centres knowing that the ecological health is key to our survival and would also improve our mental health.


Mike Jackman, is a local trader and businessman, running two shops in the town.  

Mike is vice chair and very involved in the Teignmouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce. 

Mike has a desire to help the town prosper and he believes a vibrant and healthy commercial sector is vital to the overall prosperity of Teignmouth. Mike says: ‘I can bring a unique understand of the commercial sector to the Council. I want to work with our businesses and traders, along with our community, to generate and implement ideas and as a councillor, if elected, to be part of the development for the town for our children and residents. It is not an easy task, there is work to do and views to be gathered but I believe that as a councillor and with the support, experience and trust of the Lib Dems in Teignmouth, we have a chance to accomplish more together.’


ALASDAIR is not here to maintain the status quo, he will be the change residents need. One of the SDA youngest candidates, he comes with a good Political pedigree, his father being a district councillor.

He is keen for a younger representation on the council to help with engaging with the often disenfranchised and ignored youth of Teignmouth. He recently studied Computer Science in Leeds, and currently works in Newton Abbot. 

Alasdair will represent the residents of Teignmouth East, putting the residents’ interests above their own by being “serving” rather than “self-serving”. Opposing further developments on green field sites, look at how to better provide for the younger generation and get better value for money for council tax payers. 


My name is Robert Phipps. 

I am a resident and business owner in Teignmouth. 

Meeting visitors and locals gives me an insight into Teignmouth’s needs. Since becoming a Town Councillor, I have joined numerous committees, to put forward ideas that improve the town.

I am committed to improving parking issues, while maintaining this traditional seaside resort. 

I am hands-on, often found cleaning graffiti and doing litter picks. 

As an environmentalist, I foresaw the pollution incident caused by dumping of dredged sludge from Exmouth so close to our beaches and was instrumental in its suspension. 

There are still issues to be addressed in our community and I hope you will give me the opportunity to work on your behalf again.


My focus will again be directed to the long awaited redevelopment of the derelict Brunswick Street site.   

Since then we have seen opportunities come and go including a Premier Inn, social  housing and a Health Centre, none of which have even left the drawing board, let alone get to the detailed planning stage.   

This site (in a Conservation Area) was identified by Government as a ‘quick win’ for development over 10 years ago and still awaits decisions by Teignbridge and the NHS.  

Teignbridge have been slow to benefit by using the site as a temporary carpark despite local requests and if elected I will continue to press for a decision to develop this prime site without any further delay.


IT would be a privilege to be a councillor here, to provide a voice for those individuals who feel they are not listened to.

If elected I will both listen, and take action, to support them with their concerns.

I am a member of the Labour party, and continue to remain convinced that they are the only party capable of introducing the fundamental changes required to create a fair and equal society. 

The priorities locally are to provide suitable and affordable housing for all, challenge the planning decisions that give no benefit to local people and to improve the air quality in areas of Teignmouth. 

Also to exert pressure on central government for funding for Education & Social Care.


I have lived and worked in the town for 20 years, especially as a local trader. I have previously served you as a Town Councillor during which time I had the privilege of being your Town Mayor especially during the COVID pandemic - a challenging period for all.  Whilst being a Town Councillor I became aware of how many decisions about our wonderful town were made at Teignbridge but also, at many times, became frustrated by the lack of collaborative working partnership with us as Town Councillors from our then District Councillors.

I will use all of the skills that I have built up from over 50 years working in corporate and local business,  and 20 years living in this wonderful town, to progress Teignmouth and make sure we get the best for our community for the future.  I welcome an opportunity to serve our community again.