A PLAY chronicling the life of a Shaldon smuggler is set for Shaldon Village Green this August, to the delight of locals and visitors alike. Zebediah Hook is a 30-minute open-air family play that has been running for over 30 years. Each year sees a different episode.  

Leon Winston, the writer and director of the play, described this year’s antics: ‘You can be sure that even this year Zebediah will be keeping his eyes open for smuggled goods. So will this be the year lays his hands on any very outstanding treasure?  

‘Watch him in action. He will definitely be making every effort with the major assistance of his keen helpers, the Villager, the Mermaid and the Pirate, to make sure the treasure stays in Shaldon. Keeping a very close eye on them all, also wanting to get their hands on the special unique riches, will be John O London and Dilly Dawlish. 

‘So will this be the year when they run off to Dawlish with any splendid findings? Well, this is the year when, for the first time, a very colourful character is also keeping a close watch on all that is happening. Not only that, there is a verse of a well-known poem which will give them all a clue to finding and maybe, maybe, getting their hands on what is a very exceptional hidden goody.’

Zebediah Hook will be back with a new episode on four Wednesday evenings on August, 2, 9, 16 and 23, plus Bank Holiday Monday. It will be performed on the Green, close to the London Inn.