SATURDAY May 11 saw a bright start to the Marina Bowling Club's annual taster day where anyone can come along to try bowls out. There were some fun games to try after they had some coaching from our qualified coaches, including President Rick Purnell, Sue Worthington, Barbara Ferrity, Cherry Chapman, and Tina Rowe.

24 people came to the club in Dawlish and 12 signed up for future coaching of four sessions- not to mention there were a couple of juniors amongst them including a four-year-old who thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Bowls is one of those sports you don’t expect to grab you but you quickly find that you really want to become a more skilful bowler. Hopefully, some of those who visited us on Saturday will be joining our other members very soon.

On Saturday May 18, the Marina will be hosting a 4-wood Devon County Singles competition which promises to be exciting and highly technical.