A PIZZA chain has been awarded planning permission to open an outlet in Bovey Tracey.

Teignbridge District Council have granted Domino's Pizza UK & Ireland Ltd planning permission to change the Dartmoor Garage from a car showroom to a hot food takeaway, install extraction and ventilation equipment, replace the shopfront and external alterations at the rear of the premise.

The permission is, however, subject to a number of conditions: the full list of which can be found here.

One Bovey Tracey resident said: 'I'm disappointed at the decision, to be honest.

'We already have enough takeaways in town, including one pizza outlet in the main street and a gourmet pizza van, so why a third is needed I don't know.

'I'm also worried at the increase in traffic and the likelihood of discarded litter.'

Another Bovey Tracey resident, however, is more optimistic.

'I am really pleased - it will give the younger people of Bovey something to do.

'It also provide a number of jobs for the area too.'