A MAN from Teignmouth has gone on trial accused of having sex with two women when they were too drunk to resist.

Lewis Stewart is alleged to have taken advantage of the women who he met during a night out in Torquay in January this year.

The women had drunk cocktails and prosecco at a bottomless brunch at the Park Lane pub before going on to the nearby Green Ginger pub where they had pink gins.

The jury at Exeter Crown Court has been played CCTV video which showed one of them so drunk that they could not stand up and the other trying to help her.

The footage showed Stewart and his partner appearing to go to their assistance before getting into a taxi with them and going back to one of the women’s homes elsewhere in Torbay.

Stewart is alleged to have given one of them two ecstasy tablets and the have had sex with both of them during threesomes with his partner.

Neither have any memory of the night and both were bemused to wake up the next day to find a pair of strangers in the house. Stewart told them they had both had sex with him.

He later told police they were both awake, capable of giving consent, and had taken part in sex willingly.

Stewart, aged 28, of St Patrick’s Close, Teignmouth, who is originally from Dawlish, denies raping both women and causing one to take a substance with the intent of enabling.

Mr Lee Bremridge, prosecuting, said two friends went out for the night together on Saturday January 21 this year and both were very drunk by the time they encountered Stewart and his girlfriend outside JD’s bar at 9.30 pm.

He said Stewart helped them into a taxi, paid the £15 fare and accompanied them home, where his girlfriend took the soberer one to buy a bottle of vodka at a nearby shop.

Mr Bremridge said neither could remember going home but that Stewart gave one two ecstasy pills. He told them both about having threesomes when they woke up the next day and there was DNA evidence to confirm he has sex with one of them and toxicology evidence showing the other had taken drugs.

He said: 'He took advantage of both of them when they were in no fit state to consent to what was happening. It would have been perfectly obvious to him they were in no fit state to consent.'

Stewart was traced and arrested and told police both women had not only consented but had been capable of giving consent.

The trial continues