MAKE sure you vote on Thursday, in the local elections.

Who will get your vote in the Kenton & Starcross Ward of Teignbridge Council, where two candidates will be your next councillors?

Here's some information on each of the candidates:


RESIDENT of Kenton in Teignbridge with a wife of 30 years and two sons, has spent a lifetime in public transport operations and being Managing Director of Stagecoach Devon to 2008.

Chris has also spent some years overseas in Oman, USA, Croatia, Serbia, Malta and Poland, graduated from Hertfordshire with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

 Understands that Brexit has been betrayed, that green policies are fake (Co2 is 0.038% of the atmosphere) and wants to see that Britain is a vibrant economy with lower taxes and an effective immigration policy,  that local citizens should be looked after first, schools should educate our children, our environment should be protected for the future and our towns managed for vibrant communities.


FOR over ten years, I lived with my extended family near the village of Kenton. 

With an interest in local planning matters, I campaigned against the 2013/2033 Teignbridge Local Plan due to excessive A379 traffic and the effects of housing on coastal landscapes. I joined Kenton Parish Council in 2014 and led on the (now adopted) Kenton Neighbourhood Plan. After moving to neighbouring Dawlish, I became a Town Councillor in 2015 - and a District Councillor in 2019. At Teignbridge, as executive member for planning, I have been responsible for delivery of the 2020/2040 Local Plan, which is now ready for Inspection. As the new Liberal Democrat District Council candidate for Kenton and Starcross, I hope to continue to support our coastal and rural communities in whatever capacity I can.


I have the skills for the job – and the track record to prove it.

I run my own business offering coaching for triathletes and open water swimmers. I volunteer as a beach lifeguard for events and have organised open water events to raise money for local charities such as Age UK Devon and the Devon Recovery Learning Community.

I also take a keen interest in water quality, for business and environmental reasons, and work with Surfers Against Sewage.

I am fighting for a greener, fairer district.

I have called for higher standards in housing developments, asking why every new housing estate cannot have solar panels and produce energy to share with the local area. I want to use my time and energy to make sure the district remains a great place to live, work and bring up families.