THE Liberal Democrats have taken the majority in Teignbridge District Council, taking 26 of the 47 seats, and counting.

As today's final election results were being read out Lib Dem Leader, Cllr Martin Wrigley, said: 'As leader of the Lib Dems, I'm delighted that we now have a majority on Teignbridge District Council.

'There are great things to come, we're going to do some fantastic things for the residents of Teignbridge over the coming four years.'

Arriving at the count this morning he said he was 'very hopeful.'

And he had good reason to be hopeful as he retained his seat on Dawlish North East.

He said: 'I'm absolutely delighted, on events like this where you do the count is always a roller coaster of up and down, with some results that you hoped for and some results that you din't expect.

'But in this case, the lovely people of Dawlish have backed myself and two Liberal Democrat colleagues is utterly fantastic and really quite humbling to be trusted by the good people of Dawlish to represent them, which we will do so to the best of our ability.'

Alliance delighted

THE South Devon Alliance of councillors were delighted they had swelled by more than double to 9.

Leader Richard Daws arrived at the count at the Newton Abbot Racecourse in confident mood, determined to bring change to Teignbridge Council.

He retained his seat in Ambrooke Ward, with a huge count of 1,145 votes.

Reflecting on the win, Richard said: 'We're delighted, I think I returned more votes than last time so it validates the work that we've done to bring NA3 to account, to bring transparency to the local council, has resonated with our ward and we're going to carry on and we're going to do exactly what we've been elected to do.'

National picture isn't helping

REFLECTING national trends the Conservatives lost ground, ending up with nine seats – down from 11.

Conservative Leader on Teignbridge, Cllr Phil Bullivant,

Cllr Bullivant was re-elected to the Bradley ward with 521 votes.

Phil said: 'I'm really pleased. We've been working with local people to deliver the work they needed and I'm delighted that they recognised that by increasing my share of the vote.

'Something we're fairly keen on is looking at a policy that moves Teignbridge forward, looking at ideas and suggestions as to what we'd like to do and how we'd like to see things move forward.

'Obviously, the national picture isn't helping but that's something we'll have to address as a party, but overall, I'm delighted.'

Closest tie

AFTER three counts the Teign Valley ward has given the closest tie of the day with Lib Dem Andy Swain winning by one vote over Conservative Terry Tume - 627 to 626.

Most votes in the ward were gained by Stephen Purser with 754.